Wicked is a captivating musical adaptation of Gregory Maguire’s beloved novel, which tells the untold story of the witches of Oz before Dorothy’s arrival. The film follows the unlikely friendship between Elphaba, the misunderstood green-skinned girl with a powerful voice, and Glinda, the popular and glamorous witch. As they navigate the complexities of love, ambition, and societal expectations, their bond is tested by the rise of evil in the Land of Oz. With stunning visuals and memorable musical numbers, Wicked explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the true nature of good and evil, revealing how two women can become icons for very different reasons. Their journey ultimately leads to a transformative showdown that shapes the fate of Oz forever.

IMC Enniskillen Location

Street Address: IMC ENNISKILLEN, Raceview Factory Road
Post Code: BT74 6DP
Country: UK
GPS: 54.3521080, -7.6355044

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